
Venturi is a Strategic Customer Management tool that will help align your sales teams efforts and maximize the value of high potential customers by building a customized growth sales plan for your business.

Categorization criteria
Venturi Customer Portfolio Performance Analysis

Get a clear picture of which customers are generating 80% of your sales.  This complete report generated by Venturi, will allow you to visually see your customer distribution. 

Client distribution analysis
Sales Maturity Index

The Sales Maturity index measures the performance of your sales function (strategy, structure, process, management, etc.), in order to:

  • Identify your areas for improvement in line with your growth strategy
  • Measure your ability to repeat your performance independently of your team members.

How do we calculate your maturity index? A 180-question questionnaire identifies your strengths and areas for improvement in the 5 pillars that make up your sales function:

1. Structure of the Sales Support Department

2. Management of distribution networks

3. Management of current and future customers

4. Synergy with the marketing function

5. Performance measurement.

Sales Team Auto-diagnosis

Do you want to know where your team stands? Order a Sales Team Auto-diagnosis. Obtain a  diagnosis of your sales team by answering a complete questionnaire. Receive the results within 24 to 48 hours. These results will include a portrait of the managerial maturity of your sales team while taking into account:

  • Objectives to be achieved
  • Structure to achieve them
  • Management ressources required for execution

Sales Team Diagnosis and Analysis

Do you want to know where your sales team stands? Order a Sales Team Diagnosis and Analysis. Obtain a complete diagnosis of your sales team.  Receive the results within 24 to 48 hours. These results will include a portrait of the managerial maturity of your sales team while taking into account:

  • Objectives to be achieved
  • Structure to achieve them
  • Management ressources required for execution